Wealth Untold: A glimpse of Belize’s natural resources

  • Wealth Untold: A glimpse of Belize’s natural resources

by Violet D. York (lead writer and editor) 





“Wealth Untold” offers Belizeans from all walks of life, both young and old, whether you are a student, teacher, tour guide, tourist, historian, accountant, or business owners, an opportunity to step into Belize’s Natural Resources and discover why we sing in our National Anthem “..Nature has blessed thee with wealth untold…”. This book teaches you about our environment and the wealth of our natural resources, both renewable and non-renewable, not just with science but also from the eyes of biologist, archaeologist, geologist, and much more. The DOE, through this book, is responding to a need from the Belizean public for a clear picture of the wealth of our resources and its function in our daily lives through our economy, social, and cultural makeup. It also offers insight into the potential threats to our natural resources, both from a local perspective through pollution to our local environment and on a global level with the impacts of climate change; and the changes which we can make to prevent and adapt to those threats. It is the Department of Environment’s hope that all who read “Wealth Untold” gains a greater appreciation and understanding of our precious natural resources, and the pressures and challenges that we as citizens face in ensuring that this natural heritage is there for future generations. – Martin Alegria


Read full article here!


Keywords: Natural resources, geography, reef, river, climate, resources, environment


Suggested APA Reference: Violet D. York. (Ed.). (2012). Wealth Untold: A glimpse of Belize’s natural resources. The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment, Government of Belize. Retrieved on September 4, 2018 from: http://www.doe.gov.bz/index.php/services/publications/send/13-doe-publications/41-wealth-untold-smallpdf

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